Wednesday, January 19, 2011

siamese twins.

So have you ever had a relationship or friendship with someone so close that they know every deep dark secret about you, you dont have to say anything to know what the other person is thinking, and you can talk with your eyes?

I've been lucky to have two relationships like this ... one with my older sister and one with my best friend ...

tarryn kelsi ruiha mcdonald<3

She also happens to be my cousin which I guess you could call an unfair advantage because in all those "family only" situations, we still have each other by our sides.

We see each other a couple of times a week. Whether its me running in after work to have a random whinge or chat or laughh about something, or spending all night with crappy junk food and terrible movies, or going out and hanging with friends. But no matter what we still have an amazing time.

And were always there for each other.

It took a long time for me to let her know everything about me. All the good, the bad. The happy, the sad. (No rhyme intended.) And especially my weaknesses and strengths. Because when someone knows you that well they get to tell you off with no repercussions, and tell you yes and no, and stop you doing something you really want to do but isn't right.

And I wouldnt give it up for anything(:

She is my other half, my rock, my strength, my inspiration.
I don't know what I'd do without her.

We're pretty darn cute together too (;

Monday, January 17, 2011

the power of words.

its funny to think how powerful a string of words can be.

i love you.

i dont want you anymore.

delicately placed or forcefully spoken.

words can start wars, break hearts, tear apart families and break spirits.

but they can also bring smiles, warm a heart and save a life.

and the problem with words is that every literate person in this world holds a power beyond their belief. the damage and miracles that can come from speech is outstanding.

partner this with an amazing personality, breathtaking eyes and a flawless smile and its no wonder the biggest headlines on the news are murder, rape, kidnapping, stabbing ...

and who gets to determine the power of words? is it the person who speaks them or those that choose to listen?

words have been crafted and idolised by some of the worlds most famous characters. presidents like Lincoln and Roosevelt, phenomenol figures like Martin Luther King Jr and William Wilberforce, literautre geniuses like Shakespeare and Austin. But out of these how many intended or knew of the power and influence their words would have?

dont forget the small words to you can have the biggest influence on the people around you.

i hate you.

i want you.

i need you.

i miss you.

i cant see you anymore.

consider the words that construct the speech of your lifes story.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

new year. new beginning.

to start the year off with a bang i got me a new man (;
haha. or really we got each other as we just kind of hung out and then started dating and voila.

definately happy to start the year with him and end a year of bad male memories.

teancum mana kadeem morrison<3
yeahpp he's pretty darn cute and amazingg.
and he treats me like a princess(:

but enoughh mushy stuff. (:
this year (as i say every year) i am going to do the things i want.

im going to take more chances.
laughh and play more.
and maybe open my heart enoughh to go through a world of pain or a world of happiness.

and keep all walls down.

well see how long it all lasts (:

over and out.